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Fave Makeup Books

It's so easy now to jump on Youtube, Instagram or Facebook to watch makeup tutorials and check out the latest trends and cheats, but sometimes it's fun to go old school and sit down with a good makeup book that some of the world's most experienced and highly acclaimed makeup artists put out.

I am not in any way discrediting Youtubers and Instagramers who post some of the most exquisite and technically amazing looks that I've ever seen (ahem #goaravetisyan), but I believe that if you've actually reached the stage in your career where you're published, you deserve the recognition.

So, here are my favourite top five makeup books of all time:

No. 1

Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin

Kevyn Aucoin is the makeup artist who also created the makeup brush cosmetic range of the same name. Although I have to be honest and say I haven't used any of his products, I have used his eyelash curler and absolutely loved it.

An oldie, but a goodie, because although this book was published in 1997 (oh my gosh, the year my first child was born), the techniques and contouring tricks are still as relevant and applicable as they are today. Kevyn also released other books, (Face Forward & The Art of Makeup are the only ones I'm aware of), which have beautiful looks as well, but Making Faces really showcases Kevyn's talent the best.

No. 2

Okay, I have a confession to make. I don't own, nor have I ever owned this book, but I often look through it in bookstores and I have some mua friends who have it and love it.

This really is a go-to book designed (in my opinion) to be perfect for beginners. Most experienced mua's will be aware of a lot of the techniques included, but it also gives you an idea of the versatility of some of Bobbi Brown's products.

Released in 2008, it's super contemporary and relatable style-wise and is still fairly easy to get hold of in stores or online.

No. 3

Ahhh, Francois Nars. An icon of the makeup world and designer of the most beautiful blush in my kit (which makes me blush when people ask me the name - 'orgasm').

One of the things I love about this book is the before and after photographs and there is a huge variety of skin tones and face shapes being made up. To me, this is more of a mid to high level of skill and not so much the beginner like the Bobby Brown book.

It was published in 2001, though, so some of the looks are a bit dated, but if you adapt the techniques to a more contemporary colour palette, you shouldn't have a problem.

No. 4

Oh, Jemma, you are soooo ridiculously talented and we mua's bow in respect and admiration of your work.

This is one of three books that Jemma has released and in my opinion is the middle book for skill level. This book goes into eye techniques and contouring although some practice is definitely needed to get some of the designs down-pat.

Apparently Jemma does have her own range of cosmetics available, but I can't comment on them as I've neither seen or tried them before.

The most recently published out of the books so far, if you do purchase this book you'll find most of the looks are still very much on-trend.

No. 5

Last, but definitely not least is this amazing Makeup Bible by Taylor Chang-Babaian. As someone who virtually specialised in Asian makeup for a time, Asian and Indian Brides chose me as their wedding makeup artist because there is definitely a skill to mastering the beautiful Asian/Indian eyes and skin tones.

This books is really only suitable if you are of Asian/Indian heritage or are a makeup artist yourself interested in learning the techniques required for Asian faces. At about ten years old, the colours and looks are starting to date, but the techniques are tried and tested and will serve any mua well.

I have to confess that my Asian faces were always my favourite and if you look through my gallery you'll notice that I have worked on more than my fair share.

I hope I've helped you with some of these publications and if there are any particular makeup/beauty topics you'd like me to post, please just email me at:

Remember, you are beautiful already. Makeup is just the frame to the masterpiece.

Blessings & love,

Danielle xxx

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