Fave Beauty Bloggers
At the risk of shooting myself in the foot, I've never been afraid to educate and encourage women by referring them to other specialists in the beauty field who may be able to help them either by supporting my expertise or complementing what I can do for them.
With my blogging adventure being in it's infancy, I've been spending a lot of time researching other peers in the industry who have a wealth of knowledge and experience that, just like yours truly, they want to gift to all the women out there who take pride in themselves or who really want to take that first step into presenting their best image to the world.
The first beauty blogger that I really must recommend is ...
1. Huda Kattan
Huda & her sister Heidi are not only incredibly glamorous and gorgeous middle Eastern women, but amazing makeup artists & stylists, as well as very savvy business women.
Huda's posts are witty, informative, incredibly relevant and contemporary, and despite how stunning she is, she isn't afraid to bare her natural face, talking openly about her battles with teenage acne and the consequent scarring.
Huda's tagline for Huda Beauty is "Where Beauty is Shared" and that's exactly what she does. She's fabulous, honest and ridiculously smart.
2. Eileen Dautruche
Eileen's blog is definitely aimed at your high end of the market. She writes about product reviews, skin care, fashion, and reviews everything from Sephora cosmetics to Givenchy bags.
Eileen posts a new blog every fortnight or so and she promises that although suppliers may send her products to test and review, she won't necessarily post about them or give coverage to that product.
Eileen's age bracket also places her in a niche in the market of twenty to thirty something's with the style, sophistication and budget to purchase the products she recommends. Even if you can't afford them, it's nice to dream.
3. Amber Katz
Amber's blog is geared more towards my particular demographic (mature, experienced and fighting ageing with the determination and vigour of Muhammad Ali in his prime) but also with the varying budget of those who have the disposable income of DINK's and those who still have the financial commitment of children at home or a mortgage etc.
Amber has been passionate about beauty since she was a child but has also had experience as a financial editor, which is evidenced by her finesse as a writer and a wordsmith.
This is one of the blogs I visit the most for my own needs and recommend to my clients who are the same life stage as me.
4. Lara Eurdolian
Another blogger in my age demographic is Lara and the beauty of Lara's posts is that, as a brand ambassador for easily available products such as 'Olay' and 'Avon', her reviews and advice are achievable for virtually everyone.
Moreover, Lara posts about life. Food, fashion, travel and her career as a beauty and marketing professional.
She's crazy, her content is incredibly relevant and oh, did I mention she has a pomeranian? This automatically qualifies you as super great imho.
5. Ty Alexander
Well, I've started and ended with my two favourites. Ty is absolutely one of my spirit animals and I applaud, respect and admire the way she has embraced her grey hairs, even though my transition to blonde is the closest I'm willing to get to grey for quite some time - thank you very much!
Ty's experience as a beauty editor is only surpassed by her experience as a woman and her blog isn't so much about beauty and fashion, but about life, precisely why this is always one of my first stops for inspiration and encouragement alike.
Ty's goal is to encourage women to be the very best that they can be. A philosophy that I share and highly endorse! Go, girl. You make us proud to be bolder as we grow older.
There is a very apparent bias towards more mature bloggers in this post (3 to 2), but that's not simply because I fit into that category myself. It's actually primarily because the diversity of their posts speaks to all ages, often not so in the reverse with the younger bloggers focussing on that particular demographic only.
My goal with my blogs is not only to inform and inspire, but to open a forum for women who can't get the time to book with me personally, or are geographically distanced, so you can ask me questions, and also dialogue with one another about all things women, beauty and embracing who we were meant to be.
Please take advantage of the comment options below each post to let me know what you think of the content, what you hope to learn about moving forward, or even just to say hi to fellow readers and begin a new conversation with a fellow woman.
Thank you so much for reading this week's post. I hope I've inspired you and have also recommended some other inspirational women that can help build you up and bring out your best.
Until next time, remember ....
You are beautiful already. Makeup is just the frame to the masterpiece.